Our Homes

Your questions answered
What type of care does the nursing home provide?
Beechfield Nursing Homes provide care for adults over the age of 18 years. This can be either short term care for convalescence, post-operative, respite or long-term residential nursing home care. Respite Care is also available for periods of one week or longer.
What is the admission process?
There are 3 steps in the admission process to ensure that we fully understand and can provide for your personal, social and healthcare needs. You can find these steps under the menu point “Next Steps” within specific nursing homes pages.
How is my placement funded?
Financial support towards the cost of long-term nursing home care under the Nursing Home Support Scheme, “A Fair Deal” is administered by the HSE. For a guide for this you can visit HSE.
Can I continue to use my own GP?
Yes, you can use your own GP.
Is a GP available at all times?
A is GP available round the clock for emergency care on a call out service.
Can I still go out with family or friends?
Yes, we encourage residents to go out with friends and family as often as they feel comfortable travelling for day trips or holidays.
Can we bring some of our own furniture or have a TV in my room?
Yes, you can bring your own furniture that would be suitable including pictures, radio etc. Also, all our rooms are equipped with TVs and telephones.